NAR National Events for 2022

Published on August 6, 2021

The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) holds three big national events each year.

The first event is NARCON, the yearly convention.  This year it will be held online, January 28-30.  Sessions from the 2021 NARCON are now available to watch on the NAR’s YouTube Channel.  Particularly recommended is the video tour of the Estes factory..

The National Sport Launch (NSL) will be held Memorial Day weekend, 2022, near Sumter, South Carolina by the ROSCO section, with a 7000′ waiver.

Finally, the big event, NARAM-63 Rocketry Festival, will be held in Springfield, MO (flying field in Walnut Grove) from July 16 to July 22.  The clubs presenting it will be Launch Crue, St. Louis Rocketry Association, and Tripoli Mo-Kan.  There will be a 10000′ waiver all week.